How To Photograph Jewelry With iPhone (Step by step guide)

A picture speaks a thousand words‘- Fred R Barnard. So you are curious and want to know,How to Photograph jewelry with iPhone?A great Jewelry picture on your store means your half work is already done. Your customer will know what they are going to get.

Hello, friends, if you run a jewelry business or e-com store with Shopify, WordPress, or Etsy store, you may be a photographer, or an entrepreneur like me and wish to click professional Jewelry photos and create a portfolio for your business or for your client with the help of an iPhone this guide is for you, keep reading.

Pictures of jewelry with a DSLR camera can be challenging for several reasons. But another option is the iPhone as it is always handy for you to carry it anywhere and also if you are a person who wants to invest less upfront, and start a business. Having an iPhone can ensure that the eCommerce store’s pictures are of good quality. When it comes to taking photos, an iPhone is just as good as a good DSLR camera.

Also, it’s pretty standard for the iPhone to be available. On top of that, your photos will look and feel like they were taken in a home studio. But it’s hard when you don’t know how to use the iPhone to take pictures of jewelry. So, in this article, we’ll give you some valuable tips to help you do well and to click marvelous jewelry photos.


How to take better Jewelry photographs on an iPhone?

How To Photograph Jewelry With iPhone
How To Photograph Jewelry With iPhone?

Photography with iPhone is easy but to give your photos a professional look you need to take some extra effort, don’t you think about taking regular photos will serve your purpose definitely not in this guide, we have tried to explain the step-by-step procedures of how to photograph jewelry with an iPhone? so keep reading.

Equipment Needed to Take Pictures on an iPhone(Tips).

With its great features and abilities, the iPhone has changed the look of the universe since it came into it. People who think it’s a waste of money to spend on a DSLR camera will benefit from the fact that they can take better photos. But you can’t win the game if you only have one piece of iPhone. You also need a few other tools to finish your shooting mission.

Using a lightbox to take pictures of jewelry isn’t something new. A lightbox is a must-have item to show how shiny the jewelry is.

Lightening system

Some small tabletop lighting systems that can be moved around the lightbox are needed to make a good light that shows off the uniqueness of the jewelry.

Stand/tripod to hold an iPhone

If you want to take pictures of your jewelry with your iPhone, you need a stand or a tabletop smartphone tripod.

Cosmetic mirror

Why should you use a mirror to look at yourself? People use it to reflect the lights on their jewelry and keep the diamonds and stones’ true beauty.

Jewelry props

Jewelry isn’t something you should lay down flat. Instead, you should show it off and show people how it looks when worn. To do everything, you need jewelry props to show off your jewelry in the best way.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Taking Pictures of Jewelry with an iPhone

The iPhone and other smartphones have made your whole life easier and more functional. With its gifts like the iPhone, technology has given you a way to get in touch with professionals. So, for people who do it for a living, taking pictures of jewelry with an iPhone is very useful and accessible.

Also, it can make it less likely that you’ll have to pay more for a good camera. If you have an iPhone, you have one device that solves many problems. Today, we’ll tell you how to take pictures of jewelry with this smartphone.

Step 1: Using your iPhone

The best phone in the world is the iPhone. The most important thing about this smartphone is that it has the best tools for taking high-quality pictures. You don’t have to spend much money on this option; instead, you should have a good reason. You should have the most recent version of the iPhone to get the best deal. The phone is having a great lens, you can set a microfilter on iPhone it has many filters you just need to play around with as a perfect picture will depend on many factors like light, background, etc which we have discussed further.

Step 2: Put your jewelry out on the table.

  • A table is an integral part of a picture. Try to put your jewelry on your table smoothly to get the best shots.
  • There are also some benefits to putting your jewelry on the table. One is to avoid taking photos that aren’t straight, which can hurt your photography in many ways.

Step 3: Don’t forget to use the Image Stabilization Equipment

There is image stabilization equipment built into many smartphones these days. Still, it would assist if you had a tripod as your image-stabilizing gear. What does this tripod do in real life? Utilizing a tripod can help maintain your camera from shaking while taking pictures.

Shaking the camera makes the pictures blurry and hard to see, which could be the worst, especially when taking pictures of jewelry. So, what kind of tripod do you need to fix it? When buying this tripod, think about how long it will last, how long it is, how good the materials are, etc.

Also, some new market tripods have many great features that make it harder for the camera to shake. This means that the images won’t be as good. The best choice is to get an aluminum tripod for the iPhone. As it has a Bluetooth camera shutter that can be removed, it can keep any outside factors from making the pictures look bad.

Step 4: Look at your light sources

Soft light is great for taking pictures of jewelry. What makes soft lighting a good choice? The most pleasing thing about this type of lighting is that it evenly illuminates the object. Nd, as a result, it lets the phone solve all problems.

When you can’t find soft lighting, it’s not a big deal. You must ensure that natural light can be used in your home. In these situations, you can put the things you need right next to the windows of your house. You can also make a temporary lightbox or rent one for a short time.

Step 5: Pay attention to the zoom and focus on your device.

Your photo journey can be ruined without attention to your device’s zoom and focus. Soft focus can make you forget how valuable your brand is and how good your products are. The value of your brand and how well it is made can affect your business. So, to boost your business, try to avoid using low-quality images.

But an iPhone can help you keep your attention where you want it. If you have a terrible image, your regular customers might go to your competitors instead. It would assist if you recalled that it takes a picture of things from about 1 to 2 meters away. Don’t forget to utilize an iPhone that has good aperture settings.

Images with excellent quality can win over customers’ hearts. And it can’t even explain why your jewelry is worth the price and brand name. Since your jewelry is small, it would assist if you did take a close-up picture of it. To get all of the well-known markets to accept your photos. Make sure you have to take close-up shots showing all the details.


It’s hard to take great pictures of jewelry. The task gets even more complicated when you try experimenting without preparing for your jewelry shoot. But nothing on earth is genuinely impossible. Your challenge can be made easier and better if you use your iPhone and practice it a few times with the arrangement mentioned in the article can make your life easy also you can use 5 best iPhone photograpy. You can improve your shooting skills with your iPhone by reading our article and by practicing you can create great jewelry photos for your business or build portfolios for your clients. Thanks for reading!


What are 5 best iPhone photography apps 2022?(Free)

Here is a list of the Best iPhone photography apps that are free
Snapseed (The best in- editing app)
VSCO (Best for-filter app)
Afterlight2( Photo editing app)
Adobe Lightroom CC(professional photo editing app)
Touchretouch(Best in-retouch app)

How To Photograph Jewelry With iPhone?

Yes, it is easy Just create a good background, and perfect capturing angle, and use good iPhone capturing filters and steps shown in the guide you can click a professional picture with iPhone.

How to photograph jewelry for Instagram?

For Instagram, after you produce an amazing photograph using the above steps you can further use Instagram filters to beautify your jewelry photograph

 How to Photograph Jewelry for Etsy with iPhone?

To make professional looking photograph create a good background either use white or contrast with your jewelry you can take idea from best selling of Etsy or come with unique idea ,you can use iPhone capturing filters and steps shown in this guide.

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